Eventleaf Leads App: Lead Retrieval App for Trade Shows
Exhibitors collect and rate leads by scanning attendee badges using a smart phone or tablet.

Capture Leads
Allow exhibitors and vendors to capture leads by scanning the barcode on attendee badges. Decide what attendee information will be displayed. This allows exhibitors to streamline lead collection while providing an easy means for your registered event attendees to engage with your exhibitors.
Rate Leads
Exhibitors can rate prospective leads interest, allowing them to prioritize follow-up campaigns after the event. Exhibitors can also add detailed notes on the event attendees they interacted with.

Export Leads
Leads that have been gathered can be exported as a .csv or Excel document. Data collection and movement has never been easier, all you need to do is click Export.
Choose A Language
Select one of several supported languages so your exhibitors can capture leads in their native language.
Eventleaf Leads App is available in English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Thai and Turkish.

Watch Video
Watch a short video highlighting various Eventleaf Leads App features.